Entres? Surts?
Entres? Surts?
—Qui hi ha? Ets tu? Ja pots passar. Estic fent el sopar. Vaig tard i com que eren les nou t´he deixat la porta mig oberta. No puc badar, sinó la truita se´m cremarà, segur. De seguida estic, ja surto —crida des de la cuina mentre amb una mà fa anar la cullera i amb l´altra es posa bé els cabells.
Al cap d´uns minuts apareix en el rebedor.
—Hola. Sóc la Maria. Com estàs? Dos petons. Vaig amb el davantal, però tant t´és, oi? Sempre que sóc a la cuina truca algú i si faig dues coses alhora, llavors tot fumeja. Si vols pots posar l´abric en el penjador, darrere la porta; la maleta a sobre la cadira. Deixa’m tornar-hi que encara he de parar la taula. Si vols, vés al menjador, la primera a l´esquerra i espera´m al sofà. De seguida et cridaré.
Tancar la porta? Com vulguis. Ara no espero a ningú més, però si la vols deixar oberta, m´estarà bé. M´agrada tenir el vent al cos, pensar que pot entrar algú altre, algú com tu, i també el pugui convidar.
—Perdona´m, però em fa l´efecte que m´he equivocat de porta. Ara no sé on sóc. No és el tercer primera?
—No. No és el tercer primera. Però no hi fa res. I tampoc t´has equivocat de porta. Segur que no. Tampoc aquí és a casa teva. Tampoc és a casa meva. Visc de lloguer. Com tu.
—Qui hi ha? Ets tu? Ja pots passar. Estic fent el sopar. Vaig tard i com que eren les nou t´he deixat la porta mig oberta. No puc badar, sinó la truita se´m cremarà, segur. De seguida estic, ja surto —crida des de la cuina mentre amb una mà fa anar la cullera i amb l´altra es posa bé els cabells.
Al cap d´uns minuts apareix en el rebedor.
—Hola. Sóc la Maria. Com estàs? Dos petons. Vaig amb el davantal, però tant t´és, oi? Sempre que sóc a la cuina truca algú i si faig dues coses alhora, llavors tot fumeja. Si vols pots posar l´abric en el penjador, darrere la porta; la maleta a sobre la cadira. Deixa’m tornar-hi que encara he de parar la taula. Si vols, vés al menjador, la primera a l´esquerra i espera´m al sofà. De seguida et cridaré.
Tancar la porta? Com vulguis. Ara no espero a ningú més, però si la vols deixar oberta, m´estarà bé. M´agrada tenir el vent al cos, pensar que pot entrar algú altre, algú com tu, i també el pugui convidar.
—Perdona´m, però em fa l´efecte que m´he equivocat de porta. Ara no sé on sóc. No és el tercer primera?
—No. No és el tercer primera. Però no hi fa res. I tampoc t´has equivocat de porta. Segur que no. Tampoc aquí és a casa teva. Tampoc és a casa meva. Visc de lloguer. Com tu.
Entering? Leaving?
—Who’s there? Is that you? Come in, come in, I’m making dinner. And I’m late. I left the door open for you as it’s 9 o’clock already. Can’t get distracted, or I’ll burn the omelette for sure. I’ll be with you in a minute, bear with me —she shouts from the kitchen, stirring with one hand and fixing her hair with the other.
A few minutes later she enters the hall.
—Hello, I’m Maria, how do you do? Two kisses. I’m still in my apron, but you don’t mind, do you? Someone always rings the bell when I’m in the kitchen, and I can’t do two things at once without it all going up in smoke. You can leave your coat on the hanger, behind the door, and the briefcase on top of the chair. Let me get back to things, I still need to set the table. If you want you can wait for me on the sofa in the dining room, the first on the left. I’ll call you in a minute.
Close the door? As you wish. I’m not expecting anyone else, but if you want to leave it open, that’s fine with me. I like feeling the draught on me, I like thinking that anyone can just come in, like you, and have dinner with me.
—Sorry, but I think I’ve got the wrong door. I’m not sure where I’ve ended up. Isn’t this door 1 on the third floor?”
—No. This isn’t door 1 on the third floor. But it doesn’t matter. You haven’t even got the wrong door. I’m sure of it. This isn’t even your house. It isn’t even my house. I´m renting. Just like you.
—Who’s there? Is that you? Come in, come in, I’m making dinner. And I’m late. I left the door open for you as it’s 9 o’clock already. Can’t get distracted, or I’ll burn the omelette for sure. I’ll be with you in a minute, bear with me —she shouts from the kitchen, stirring with one hand and fixing her hair with the other.
A few minutes later she enters the hall.
—Hello, I’m Maria, how do you do? Two kisses. I’m still in my apron, but you don’t mind, do you? Someone always rings the bell when I’m in the kitchen, and I can’t do two things at once without it all going up in smoke. You can leave your coat on the hanger, behind the door, and the briefcase on top of the chair. Let me get back to things, I still need to set the table. If you want you can wait for me on the sofa in the dining room, the first on the left. I’ll call you in a minute.
Close the door? As you wish. I’m not expecting anyone else, but if you want to leave it open, that’s fine with me. I like feeling the draught on me, I like thinking that anyone can just come in, like you, and have dinner with me.
—Sorry, but I think I’ve got the wrong door. I’m not sure where I’ve ended up. Isn’t this door 1 on the third floor?”
—No. This isn’t door 1 on the third floor. But it doesn’t matter. You haven’t even got the wrong door. I’m sure of it. This isn’t even your house. It isn’t even my house. I´m renting. Just like you.